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Using Deep Learning to Augment the Spatial Econometric Modelling of Health Status in the European Union

Artificial Intelligence is hot, so was at least one of your debates around the fact that AI is not just glorified statistics. Also, putting together a PhD Researcher with an Industry Researcher might turn a small talk into a passionate and intense conversation. Now, is it about Machine Learning vs. Statistics? Industry Research vs. Academia Research? Is it about competition between the fields or can they go hand in hand?… Read More »Using Deep Learning to Augment the Spatial Econometric Modelling of Health Status in the European Union

What is and Why to use a Python Virtual Environment

One day, a group of friends were having an interesting discussion over a beer, in one of the city`s most popular pub, known for its tasty craft beer and delicious burgers.They were all having a passion for Python; some were beginners, some intermediate or pros and some with just a lot of curiosity for the domain. I must say…it was a big table with lots of beers and lots of… Read More »What is and Why to use a Python Virtual Environment